Can A Dream Serve As A Premonition?
Being able to foresee an unfortunate fact of life like death, disasters, or illnesses through a dream is very common. Anyone may dream of something good or bad happening to someone else or even to themselves. Do dreams serve as a premonition?
Before we proceed in answering the question, let me first give you the definition of premonition and dreams. Based on the dictionary meaning a premonition is ‘a presentiment of the future; or a warning in advance’ while a dream is ‘a series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.’
Let’s first talk about dreams. We all know that dreams do play a role in our daily lives. The majority of people pay little attention to dreams. Dreams can help us find solutions to our daily problems and see things from a different perspective. Whenever we are dreaming, we can be who or what we want to be, regardless of the fact that in real life, sometimes it cannot be. Dreams have their own interpretation. For example, when you dream about loose, rotten, or missing teeth, it indicates that a family member or close friend is very sick or even near death. You can learn the meaning of your dreams through referencing a Dream Dictionary.
Now, what about premonitions? As defined earlier, it may be a warning in advance. Many people have had premonitions in different types of situations. When we say premonition, it is conveyed through dreams. A certain foreboding of what will happen in the near future, but in a vague sense. Many cases of premonitions are documented before a disaster, such as when the Titanic sank in 1912. There were over fifty counts of recorded premonitions before the event. In fact, some of the passengers who had a premonition cancelled their tickets before riding the Titanic and were saved from the horrible disaster that ended up taking place.
Do dreams serve as a premonition? Well, it actually depends on the dream itself. If a person dreams about the whole scenario of an event, it can or may happen in the future. Yet, in another view, it can be just a dream that she had but has a different significant meaning. Unfortunately a dream can serve as a premonition yet, at the same time, it also cannot be.
We could say that a dream served as a premonition when the dream itself foretold something that could happen in real life. But, if your dream was something out of a grandiose anticipation of what you have been thinking of, it may be just from your subconscious mind. My answer to the question: Do dreams serve as a premonition? Is ‘It depends’. Whether the dream you had has something to do with what could happen or instead may be just the subconscious mind revealed through a dream, can be hard to decipher. At the end of the day, when you are interpreting your dreams, you must tap into your intuition and listen closely to what it has to say.